Origin Of Name
Marval Capital Ltd.
Our name is a checklist for our investment decisions and how we treat and transact with clients, colleagues, and service providers.
MARgin of safety
"MARgin of Safety" is the central concept of value investing. It's the difference between the intrinsic value of a stock and its market price. Benjamin Graham is the father of value investing and wrote the principles of value investing in a book titled "The Intelligent Investor." For further details on "Margin of Safety" please read chapter 20 of "The Intelligent Investor."
VALue over the long-term
Our greatest advantage is to focus on VALue over the long-term in investment decisions, especially when short-term market sentiment is deeply pessimistic about a business's prospects.
MCL for Marval Capital Ltd.
"MCL" are the first name initials of each of the Founder's family members and in the order which they entered his life. Decisions at Marval are made with the highest levels of integrity to ensure our families are proud of our actions.